You will fall in love with someone who’s cold and always seemingly pushing you away. When all is said and done, they will be forever known as the one person you couldn’t get to love you. Unfortunately, it will hurt and sting worse than the good ones, the ones that chopped up your meat for you and picked out an eyelash from your eye and were nice to your mother, because love often feels like a game we need to win.

Love is Acceptance

If you really love someone, you will never try to change her and the things she used to do before no matter what. You see, love isn’t about changes. Its all about acceptance and embracing all the flaws and imperfections. You can never truly love someone when you cant accept the things she’s not good at or the things she’s not fond of doing. Say for instance, you don’t like her being so noisy in public places, that’s just too wrong because if you do love her, you’ll let her be noisy as loud as she wants. Love means allowing someone to be herself in whatever situation she’s in. You’re supposed to let her be herself. Everybody deserves to live there life the way they want it and no one should stop them for that.

Ten things I wanna let my mom and dad know.

i. I love you mom and dad.
ii. I’m sorry. I know I’m not a perfect son/daughter to you but you still accept and forgive me.
iii. Thank you. For all the efforts, love, care, understanding me, supporting me and for all the sacrifices that you’ve done to give me a comfortable life.
iv. Don’t leave me. I still need you until I grow up or even I have my own family, I still need you. So please don’t leave me. Stay forever.
v. Take care yourself. I cannot imagine myself if something happens to you. I cannot take that situation. Don’t overuse your body. Get some healthy foods and get some rest.
vi. Always pray. I know sometimes we forget to pray together. But pls let’s pray that our family will lasts until the end.
vii. Mom and Dad, you are my inspiration. You are the reason why I’m like this. Why I want to become successful. Why I want to achieve all my dreams. It is all because of the two of you.
viii. I promise someday you will be very proud of me. I know, today I might get disappoint you so much. I’m sorry. But don’t worry it is just for today. You will be proud of me.. of who I am.. just wait. The right time will come.
ix. Thanks for getting mad. Because of that I knew that I was wrong. I knew that I should avoid this things or not. I learned what is right from wrong.
x. When you get older, I will never leave you. I will take care of you. I will do everything for you mom and dad. I promise, I will never let you get hurt. I will be more understanding.

This is how you keep her

1.Text her back as soon as you see her messages
2. Don’t lie to her
3. Don’t let her fall asleep without telling her you love her
4. Don’t let her fall asleep mad
5. Don’t make stupid mistakes
6.Call her and say you love her at least once a week
7.If you can both work your schedules around a skype date then do it
8. Plan to visit her
9. Don’t get mad at her for dumb things
10. If you have a reason to be upset with her then talk about it & work it through
11. Listen to her,anything she says is important
12. Remind her of how beautiful she looks when she smiles
13. Don’t build walls between you two
14. Trust her enough to tell her how you really feel
15. Make her remember she’s yours every time you kiss her
16. Long distance is a test & it’s up to you to get that A+
17. Show her songs/poems/anything that reminds you of her
18. Call her baby,babe,sweetie,beautiful etc. all the time
19. Don’t break her heart
20. Hold her hand in public no matter who is looking
21. Make love to her as if it was the first and last time
22. Don’t take her for granted
23.Be spontaneous when you take her out
24. Hold her tight when she cries
25. Love her with every breath of your existence
This is how you keep her

Just Don’t

Don’t fall in love with me, cause I’m not worth it. I don’t deserve the love you’re giving me cause I won’t give that love back to you, and sooner or later I might take you for granted. I’m a fucked up person. My business here is to just screw and fuck everything up. I’m a mess, you see? You’ll get hurt.
Don’t fall in love with me, cause I’ll just push you away. I’ve built walls around me to protect me from being hurt, and I won’t break these walls for you. Of course you’ll say you love me, you won’t leave me and you’ll do everything for me, but how long will you keep all those promises? How long will those promises last? You’ll just throw those promises in the near future.
Don’t fall in love with me cause I, myself is not capable of loving me. I hate myself, you see I’m the kind of person who’ll do the worst decisions in life. I’m the person who’ll always say the wrong things but has the right thought in mind. I’m not good at explaining myself, I don’t know how to express my feelings with the most accurate shit sentences, I just don’t know how, and that makes me hate myself, and realizing this thing right now makes me hate myself more.
Don’t fall in love with me cause you can’t deal with all the flaws and imperfections I have. I’m a person made up of flaws, my brain is full of insecurities, my heart is filled up with hatred and pumps poison inside my body. Mistakes controls my body and actions. I’m pretty sure you can’t handle that.
Don’t fall in love with me, cause I’m boring. You see my life is painted with black and white, it’s too dull, plain and boring. And a person like you can’t withstand a boring life, like mine. Maybe you got curious with what’s happening “in” my life, but when you get to see what’s in it, you won’t even have a second thought on leaving. You have a great life, a colorful one. Don’t let a Lone Wolf like me, ruin it. You won’t like it.
Just please. Don’t fall in love with me. Everything that falls, breaks. I don’t want you broken, cause I do care for you so much. This is for your own good.

Five Things You should Do when Work stressed you out.

1. Put a rubber band around your wrist to remind yourself that no matter how bad the situations are, everything will be alright.
2. Buy ice cream. Stay at McDonald’s for a moment. Listen to the soothing sounds. Ignore other people and be alone with your thoughts.
3. Sing. Put melody to your feelings. Let it all out.
4. Look up in the sky. Watch the stars twinkling in the velvet night sky at eleven in the evening and you’ll see them in different colors.
5. Sleep at least five hours in a day. Forget about punctuality for a moment. Don’t deprive yourself with the sleep you badly need.

Never compromise for anything less than you deserve. Never lower your standards. Let someone love you as you are – as underserving as you might think you are, as flawed as you might be, and as unattractive and less accomplished as you sometimes feel. You deserve nothing less, than to be loved as you are, as imperfect as you may be. For despite your numerous imperfections, it is within your capacity to make someone feel perfect and enough, regardless of how imperfect someone is. If you can do that for someone, then surely you deserve no less.


I’m willing to lose my sleep for you if I have to. Even if it takes days of being awake just to talk to you, I would do that. Don’t you notice that I’m losing my sleep lately because of you? Of course, baby, you don’t because you’re not on the same page as I. I wish you could see how I value you a lot. I wish you would fit your shoes into mine and from it, you’ll know how much I love you. Goodnight.