Things women need to hear but probably don’t want to!

1. You are not going to be the only female in his life so get rid of that ridiculous notion right now. It is absolutely unreasonable to ask the person you are seeing to let their female friends go.

2. You are not his first and probably not his last. Deal with it. There’s no point in hating the women who were a part of his life before you entered. You had no control over that you were likely not even a part of his life back then.

3. Stop hating other women. Seriously, I’m tired of seeing females bash other simply over a guy. I am tired of women insulting and degrading other women simply because said woman perhaps smiled at the person you were seeing.

4. Yes, she’s attractive. So are you. You each have your own beauty stop comparing yourself to her.

5. Single mothers who are in the dating game- let me be real with you. Your goal should NOT be to find a man to take care of you and your kid/s. Last time I checked homeboy was nowhere around when you were being impregnated so explain to me how/why you think it’s fair of you to ask him to take on this responsibility
?! Don’t get me wrong… if you meet a man who wants to do that then fine.. great.. good for you but your goal should NOT be finding a man to take care of your kids. Your goal should be taking care of your own kids.

6. Stop trying to change the guy. There are certain things he wants and things he does not want. End of story.

7. Quit being mean! I’ve seen women treat the guys they were dating like absolute door mats. “Buy me this.. take me here…” No female, JUST NO. Firstly, if you want something… how about you buy it yourself? Contrary to your belief this man has other purposes in life.. you know.. other than being your personal piggy bank. You wanna go somewhere? Cool. How about just this once you pay for it?

8.This is real life, ladies. Burn those ridiculous lists that you so carefully crafted detailing the perfect man. This isn’t build a bear.

9. Yes, you’re happy and in a relationship. This is no reason to abandon your friends. You’re going to need them one day.

10. Don’t make him choose between his goals and you. Why not help him achieve those goals?

11. Why are you being so negative?! He did not live up to your expectations on something? So what?! He can try again.. stop putting him down.

12. No ladies, it’s not always about you. Compromise. Rather than making the poor man suffer through yet another chick flick how about you let him pick the movie?

13. You do not have to spend every waking moment together you can spend time away from each other and still love each other.

14. I don’t care how angry you are. You have absolutely no right to go all psycho on him and break his stuff. I’ve seen this happen way too many times. Women get angry at their guy and start smashing his things. Uhm.. excuse me- he worked for that what makes you think it’s okay to act like a 5 year old and have a tantrum.

15. Trust the man, if he did not give you a reason to doubt him then why are you constantly accusing him of cheating? You either trust him or you do not end of story.

16. For the love of everything that’s good and pure quit blackmailing the guy into doing the things you want him to do. He isn’t a pawn.

The Girl

I’m not the girl your mother warns you about. I’m not the girl who will lie to your or cheat on you. I’m not the girl who will break your heart or kiss your best friend. I’m not the girl who desires expensive gifts to keep her happy. I’m the girl who is happy when you spend time with her. I’m not the girl who will wait 30 minutes to text you back just to keep you guessing. I’m not the girl who will give you the silent treatment. I won’t ever make you choose between what you love and me. I will support your hopes and dreams.

I’m not beautiful either- NO. I’m not. I’m a range of raging emotions and that’s anything but beautiful. I’m raw and passionate and conflicted. I’m not the girl you need to work to impress daily I’m the girl who is proud of you whether you make $5.00 or $ 5000.00. I’m the girl your father tells you about when your mother is out of the room. The girl that got away. The one he met when he was way too young and messed it up only to regret it years later.

I’m the girl you take for granted. I’m the girl who is silent but loving. I’m the girl whose heart you break without a second thought. I’m the girl you expect to understand when you break her heart. I’m the girl who will never seek revenge. I am a gentle soul who transforms into a fearless warrior the minute she feels the need to protect you. I’m the girl who will do anything to protect the one she loves.

I’m the girl who secretly and silently falls in love with you, with your voice, your eyes, with YOU. I’m not the girl who will ever try to make you jealous I’m the girl who wants the world to know how proud she is of you. I’m the girl who notices and appreciates the little things you do for her.

I’m the girl who prays for you at 3:00 am. I’m the girl who will love you more than anything. I’m the girl who will kiss you when you sad and who will stand by you as long as you need her. I’m the girl that nobody pays attention to because she’s shy. I’m the girl who is used to being over looked.

I’m the girl who has been hurt by those she loved so she is scared to love again. I’m the girl who needs you to be patient with her. I’m the girl who will fiercely love you in all your forms. I’m the girl who will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy.


Well.. I guess I should tell you now before you hear it from anyone else. Because I’d rather you hear it from me. The truth is that I love you and I care for you but I’m not in love with you if that makes any sense. I love you and I would do anything for you, I care for you but I am scared of falling in love with you because I fear you will break my heart.

My love for you is a different type of love, it’s the type of love that does not require you to be with me or me with you. It’s the type of love that leaves me just wanting to see you happy even if it’s not necessarily with me but I do pray that we find our way to each other because I would do anything I possibly can to make you happy.

I never planned on loving you, but what I do know is that I care for you. There’s just something special about you. I know that we are eternities apart and even then I can’t forget you and heaven knows, I’ve tried. You wanted the truth.. there you have it. There’s something about you that comforts my soul. There’s something about you that makes me feel safer than I’ve ever felt.

Because.. when your heart has been broken too many times you find it hard to let anyone else in. No matter how deserving they may be, there’s just this inexplicable feeling.. that no matter who it is.. they will eventually break your heart. I think that’s the thing, everyone will eventually break your heart no matter what. No matter who, your parents, your friends, family, love interests even strangers really. We live in a world where heartbreak is imminent because let’s face it; people are selfish. They would rather break someones heart in order to get ahead than do what’s good and what’s right- putting human emotion over material things. I guess at the end of the day what it really comes down to is that everybody is going to break your heart BUT what we often forget is that you’re the one who gets to choose who breaks your heart. You’re the one who gets to decide who means enough to you to see your vulnerable state you decide to trust them and just hope and pray that this time you don’t get your heart broken. Love.. love my friend is placing a gun in someone’s hand.. and trusting them not to pull the trigger.

Just this once….

Just once in my life I would like to have something last. Just once in my life I would like to fall in love with someone and have them love me back with the same passion that I put into the relationship. Just this one time.. I want it to last. Just this one time I want this to be the love that lasts.

Just this once I want to believe that someone like me can have a happy ending. Just this once I want to be what he needs. Just this once.. I want to be able to make him smile… to make him laugh.. to take care of him.. to be there when he needs someone.. to help him be the best he can be. Just this once.. I want to be able to hold him in my arms for 20 mins straight.

Just this once I want to be the one to make him happy. Just this once.. I want to be the one who is lucky enough to call him hers. Just this once… I want to be able to prove to him that I do love him and that I’m always going to care for him. Just this once.. I want my prayers to be answered. Just this once….

I fell in love with him

“I fell in love with him,” she whispered

“I fell in love with him despite knowing that someone like him could never love someone like me.

I fell for him knowing he has a world of experience and I am probably the most inexperienced girl he’s ever met.

We were brought into this world just a few years apart yet it seems as if he has lifetimes of experience and knowledge beyond his years while I feel as if I haven’t lived at all.

I want to hold him as he falls asleep in my arms and I want him to be the first thing I see when I wake up.

I want to get used to the scent of him,

I want to scent of him to be ‘home’.

I fell in love with him.” She admitted.

“I fell in love with him knowing that it would never be easy because we were so different.

I fell in love with him despite knowing about his past,

I want him to be a part of my present and a part of my future.

I fell in love with the sound of his voice and the wickedness in his heart.

I fell for him knowing that there is an eighty percent chance that we will not work but there is a twenty chance that we may work and that seems like good odds to me.

I would rather fall for him and give it a shot than always wonder what if because I know with all my heart and soul that he will always be my biggest what if.

He will be the man I regret never telling about my feelings even when I am 80.

I fell in love with him never expecting him to fall in love with me.”