Things women need to hear but probably don’t want to!

1. You are not going to be the only female in his life so get rid of that ridiculous notion right now. It is absolutely unreasonable to ask the person you are seeing to let their female friends go.

2. You are not his first and probably not his last. Deal with it. There’s no point in hating the women who were a part of his life before you entered. You had no control over that you were likely not even a part of his life back then.

3. Stop hating other women. Seriously, I’m tired of seeing females bash other simply over a guy. I am tired of women insulting and degrading other women simply because said woman perhaps smiled at the person you were seeing.

4. Yes, she’s attractive. So are you. You each have your own beauty stop comparing yourself to her.

5. Single mothers who are in the dating game- let me be real with you. Your goal should NOT be to find a man to take care of you and your kid/s. Last time I checked homeboy was nowhere around when you were being impregnated so explain to me how/why you think it’s fair of you to ask him to take on this responsibility
?! Don’t get me wrong… if you meet a man who wants to do that then fine.. great.. good for you but your goal should NOT be finding a man to take care of your kids. Your goal should be taking care of your own kids.

6. Stop trying to change the guy. There are certain things he wants and things he does not want. End of story.

7. Quit being mean! I’ve seen women treat the guys they were dating like absolute door mats. “Buy me this.. take me here…” No female, JUST NO. Firstly, if you want something… how about you buy it yourself? Contrary to your belief this man has other purposes in life.. you know.. other than being your personal piggy bank. You wanna go somewhere? Cool. How about just this once you pay for it?

8.This is real life, ladies. Burn those ridiculous lists that you so carefully crafted detailing the perfect man. This isn’t build a bear.

9. Yes, you’re happy and in a relationship. This is no reason to abandon your friends. You’re going to need them one day.

10. Don’t make him choose between his goals and you. Why not help him achieve those goals?

11. Why are you being so negative?! He did not live up to your expectations on something? So what?! He can try again.. stop putting him down.

12. No ladies, it’s not always about you. Compromise. Rather than making the poor man suffer through yet another chick flick how about you let him pick the movie?

13. You do not have to spend every waking moment together you can spend time away from each other and still love each other.

14. I don’t care how angry you are. You have absolutely no right to go all psycho on him and break his stuff. I’ve seen this happen way too many times. Women get angry at their guy and start smashing his things. Uhm.. excuse me- he worked for that what makes you think it’s okay to act like a 5 year old and have a tantrum.

15. Trust the man, if he did not give you a reason to doubt him then why are you constantly accusing him of cheating? You either trust him or you do not end of story.

16. For the love of everything that’s good and pure quit blackmailing the guy into doing the things you want him to do. He isn’t a pawn.

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